Guide to prune Azaleas
When it comes to prune azaleas, the first thing you should know is what type of azaleas you have as that plays an important role in the pruning of your plant. Different type of azaleas will need different kind of pruning. Before we move on to how to care for azaleas and when to prune azaleas, here are some facts about azaleas that could interest you They are also known as ‘Royalty of the Garden’ They are either momentary or evergreen (long lasting) They grow up to 2.5 meters i.e., 8.2 feet The leaves of this plant are highly poisonous and the plant has been used as a death threat if given to someone in a black vase People celebrate the blooming season of Azaleas in places like Japan, Korea and United States Plants of azaleas that are found in Asia are evergreen and the ones found in America are generally momentary Pruning of Azaleas They is timing is everything.